Word Drenched.

Christy Ogbenjuwa (lifeasChristy)
Impact Magazine
Published in
3 min readJan 28, 2020


Words and actions affect the mind in various ways. Sometimes positive, other times, not. Is the mind physical? Why does the mind sometimes fall into an abyss of melancholy? Should people's words define us? We can’t deny the fact that words affect us.

Compliments and words of encouragement can pull a person through a phase the same way insults dressed in sarcasm would put a person right into a ‘’phase’’.

Daily,people go through different phases of their lives: the finding/questioning/discovery phase, phases of doubt and those of exceptional faith, phases splashed with eureka and clarity.
In all these, words, action and inaction can build or break. Often times than not, to be depressed isn’t the drag at work or the show of lack of enthusiasm, it’s that silence and sadness after the doors are shot, the unavoidable gloom after a day of spraying laughter, the calm after the happy birthdays have rolled in.

Growing up I noticed a lot of comedy shows were built on insults and you find friends throwing “casual insults” laced with “can’t you take a joke”. Certain folks think, rethink and re-rethink issues, they revisit words said to them from time to time, they take it in it invariably dictate their mood and how they see themselves.
In essence, let’s consciously curb sarcastic insults. As much as we have high perceptions of ourselves (sometimes) we can’t ignore the fact that uplifting words thrown at us live up to their names same way negative words put us down. On the outside people laugh, wave and take it, but when they’ve stepped out of your presence what do they leave with, what keeps playing in their minds. Memories are not something you return back to sender and people would always remember how you made them feel.

"Be mindful when it comes to your words. A string of some that don’t mean much to you, may stick with someone else for a lifetime." -Rachel Wolchin

So what do we do?

Weigh words before you say them, jokes and sarcasm don’t have to be insults, see people through the eyes of Christ, see them through love and remember, after you are gone, your words would still remain.

As we practice seeing people through the eyes of Christ, let’s not forget to see ourselves through his eyes too, so when words thrown at us don’t align with what Christ says we don’t allow those words sink too deep to stick.

Remind yourself daily who you are in Christ,as you spend time with him he reveals that to you. Those are words too and those words are allowed to sink deep and stick.

You are loved.

~By LifeasChristy

Scripture reference:
Matt 5:14 (You are the light of the world)
2cor 5:17 (You are not your past)
1pt 2:9 (You are Royalty)
Jh 1:12 (You are God’s Child)
Rm 8:37 (You are more than a conqueror)
Rm 8:28 (Things work for your good)…

